Founded in 1999, the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals is the largest Hispanic business association in the U.S. NAHREP works to advance sustainable Hispanic homeownership through advocacy, education, and facilitation of relationships with industry stakeholders and professionals.
“Above all else, NAHREP is an economic mobility organization that believes in building wealth for the Latino community through homeownership,” says NAHREP National Advocacy Committee Regional Director Rachel Bruno.
According to NAHREP’s 2019 State of Hispanic Homeownership Report, Latinos comprise 18.3% of the U.S. population, or 59.9 million people. The report says the Hispanic homeownership rate in 2019 was 47.5%, and the number of Hispanic owner households was 8,156,000.
NAHREP counts more than 40,000 members in 48 states. The association welcomes anyone who has a passion for advancing its mission. However, NAHREP membership offers the greatest value to real estate industry professionals, such as agents, brokers, mortgage loan originators, title agents, closing attorneys, appraisers, and homebuilders.
Read more about NAHREP in the November issue of Texas REALTOR®.
This seems so wrong … We have the NAR. Why are we segregating with NAHREP, AARIA, and REALTIST? We talk about inclusion and then segregate for lunch. Would it be wrong to have a WRA focused on white Realtors? You bet it would.
These groups were created in part to address disparities in homeownership rates among different racial and ethnic groups, all of which are lower than the national average. You can get a quick overview of these groups’ missions here:
I have been to the meetings. That is certainly NOT what is discussed. Plus, why would we need to segregate? I sell to every culture of people already. The NAR can address the disparity in homeownership. We don’t need to divide up so we can sell to people who look like us. These groups are merely racism in sheeps clothing.